Secondary Music Education
Constructivist, learner-centered pedagogies
Culturally-responsive pedagogy
Motivation and engagement strategies
Democratic ensemble strategies
Critical reflection
Student self-assessment
Inquiry-based instruction
Project-based instruction
Unit and lesson planning
District-wide curriculum planning
Arts assessment
Engagement with community arts partners including teaching artists, performing artists, visual artists, and theaters
Regional, national, and international concert tours: Midwest, New York, Ireland, and United Kingdom
Planning and performance of department wide, collage-style music performances
Software competence
Canvas and Moodle Learning Management Systems
Microsoft: Word, Excel, Publisher, PowerPoint
Google: Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms
Music and Media: MainStage, Logic Pro X, GarageBand, iMovie, BandLab, RehearScore, Estill Voiceprint Plus, Soundtrap, Sight Reading Factory, web-based music notation programs
Conferencing: Zoom, Google Meet
Instrumental Music Education
Instrumental pedagogy
Wind conducting
Beginning instrumental instruction
Chamber music coaching
Instrument maintenance and repair
Marching band design and instruction
Winter guard design and instruction
Concert planning and performance of repertoire for organ and wind band
Vocal Music Education
Choral pedagogy
Choral conducting
Sight-singing pedagogy
Voice pedagogy and science
Pedagogical application of voice spectrometer software for examination and promotion of vocal function and health
A cappella arranging pedagogies
Symphonic chorus vocal preparation
Applied vocal instruction
Choral clinician and adjudicator