Thank you for taking the time to learn more about my work in music teacher education. Navigation tabs at the top of this site will take you to my CV and other pages describing my scholarly interests as well as media from my professional career as a music educator. To find out more about my work as a professional development workshop presenter, please read below. You can contact me to learn more using the contact information found at the bottom of each page.
Robert Jordan is available to present workshops to secondary teachers in the areas of choral and instrumental music education. Robert has presented at the national, state, regional, and school district levels for more than 15 years. Virtual and in-person sessions are available, and selected presentation topics can be found here. Please contact him at rjordan@adelphi.edu to learn more.
"Dr. Jordan's wealth of knowledge as a versatile music educator was perfect for the needs of the teachers in the sessions he led—instrumental and choral. His workshops were thorough and well executed with the right balance of planned discussion, resources, and plenty of time to address the specific needs of the educators in the room. Novice and veteran teachers alike commented on how useful attending his workshops were, and compared the sessions he led to those that they had attended at national music educator conferences."
—Rodney Long, Music Program Manager, Success Academy Charter Schools, New York, NY
Robert C. Jordan is an Assistant Professor and the Coordinator of Music Education at Adelphi University, Garden City, NY. He is also the Music Director and Organist at the Congregational Church (UCC) of Manhasset, NY. He completed a Bachelors in Music Education at the Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University and a Masters in Organ Performance at Western Michigan University. He completed his doctoral study in music and music education at Teachers College, Columbia University where he was a Doctoral Fellow, Course Instructor, Student Teaching Supervisor, Assistant Initial Certification Coordinator, Course Assistant, and Applied Music Instructor in organ and voice. During his 21 years of experience as a full-time, public-school instrumental and vocal music educator, Robert developed a range of collaborative, democratic, culturally responsive, and learner-centered ensemble techniques including student choice of repertoire, student-led rehearsals, and inter-school peer mentoring. His publications appear in the Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, Music Educators Journal, the Choral Journal, and his publication concerning democratic approaches for the choral ensemble appeared as a featured article in the Winter Issue (February 2022) of ChorTeach, the practitioner journal of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA). He also served as the organist and music director for the First Baptist Church of Kalamazoo, Michigan for 15 years and has concertized as an organist throughout the American Midwest and Guatemala. Robert was a marching member or technical instructor for the Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps during four of their seven world championship title seasons. Robert has produced and music directed over 30 musicals for middle and high school. He is engaged regularly as a conference presenter with selected past appearances at the Estill World Voice Symposium, AERA Annual Meeting, International Symposium on the Sociology of Music Education, NAfME National Conference, Association for Popular Music Education National Conference, Michigan Music Conference, and New York State School Music Association Winter Conference. He has presented invited lectures at the University of Michigan’s School of Music, Theatre and Dance, the University of New Mexico, Western Michigan University, and Montclair State University.